We’re pumping this one out pretty quickly today.  There are some bad bones out there and you need to know about it.

I wouldn’t be so excited about it but when the ABC News came on last night, they showed dogs chewing those rawhide bones and those aren’t the ones they’re talking about.  (Although they’re not that good for us either.)

Anyway, please check out this article and know that when they’re talking about Dr. Stamper, they’re not talking about me…..

although I could consider a second career.

Bad Dog Bones

Remember that…

Ann & I will be going live on Facebook at 1pm Pawcific Time.  Some of you on the West Coast can have lunch with us!

Be Prepared!

As the end of the year and the end of the Holiday Seasonal Catalog draws near, we thought you might want to be aware of what stamping accessories they’re getting low on… just in case!

Here’s a partial list that Ann & I compiled of things we think you may want to think about….especially since we heard that a December sale is brewing.

A bird in the hand is worth … you know the end of that!

Shop with Stamper Dog

Send me a little bark today

That’s some pretty important information!